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After Acquiring Huffington Post, AOL Renames TechCrunch To HuffingtonCrunch!


WOW! Things are changing around internet today. Lot of breaking news to kick-start this week. Well all the big news are from AOL and its acquisitions!

Yesterday we were speaking about the famous HuffingTon Post and the lady behind the success of HuffPo, Arianna Huffington! And today it all belongs to some who acquired it for $315 million!

AOL acquires Huffington post

As you all know Huffington is one of the most prominent media properties on the Internet which gets nearly 26 million unique visits per months! Now it is a property of someone else who already got big-guns like TechCrunch and Engadget in their pocket.

Yes, AOL has got one more big fish in their net now. And we must say, AOL is expanding than AOL is coming back! Arianna Huffington’s appointment as Editor In Chief of AOL.

It all started during mid of November, 2010 when Huffington and CEO of AOL met to discuss about it. Following video tells about the acquisition process,

Tech Share: Yahoo! had a plans of Acquiring AOL during June, 2010!

techcrunch renamed to huffingtoncrunch

Here comes another shocker for the day! TechCrunch will be renamed to HuffingtonCruch!

TechCrunch said,

We’re hearing from multiple sources that, effective tomorrow morning, will be renamed

According to the same sources, TechCrunch isn’t the only AOL property to be affected by the Huffington acquisition. We understand that, also from tomorrow, will be renamed “”,  PoliticsDaily will become “PoliticsDailyKos” and Mapquest will be rebranded as “Keith Olbermann’s BEST MAPQUEST IN THE WORLD”

Oh, and “Huffington Post Comedy” will now be called “Engadget”.

What is happening here? AOL has changed the big names and they made it so simple!

Anything to share about this breaking news?

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