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Power of Social Media in INDIA [INFOGRAPHIC]

India, the only country where people of various cultures and religions reside and stay together unitedly. Every now and then India is highlighted in all aspects of different fields.

Currently India seems to be fighting against corruption which has increased tremendously.

So how is Social Media helping India to fight against corruption ?

Ans : Anna Hazare, the leader of the “India Against Corruption” movement and with all his supporters have come up with a website – , which provides all the information required to know about the movement and get to know where are all the movements being running in you city from here. They are also spreading about this fasting event through Twitter, Facebook and Orkut.  Bloggers are writing posts to support Anna Hazare and Tweeting with the hashtags – #AnnaHazare #isupportAnnaHazare.

Hence proved that India is utilizing the Social Media as effectively as other countries. As a blogger I’m proud to be an Indian and hence I’m loving to be connected to many of my friends  through various social networks and also to people who stay across India and still make me feel as if they’re my neighbours :).

Below is an Infographic by Techonzo , which provides some of the amazing facts of usage of Social Media in India:




So what do you think friends, is India’s growth on Social Media is productive or not ?? 🙂 Thanks for reading 😀

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