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How To: Increase Your Online Influence (Infographic + Video)

Social media has become more vast today than ever. So every individual is trying to build an online identity and increase their online influence.

There are many social media influencers like @2morrowKnight, @AnnTran_ and others, who are clear about their thoughts and keep a friendly atmosphere around them. One thing which is common within all these inspiring persons is “Transparency“.

Suggested → 10 Ways To Increase Your Influence On Social Media (by @PodJamTV)

Another such Twitter power user 🙂 → @RuhaniRabin says “Being Professional Personal” is the key to his highly influential identity. This means all you need to do is be yourself and connect with others personally not professionally.

Now let us try to know how we can build an online identity. The video below describes 7 easy steps to build an online identity.

7 Steps To Building Your Online Identity (Video)


After building an online identity, we always think of increasing our online influence. So here is an infographic by @ReformDesigns, which visualizes 5 basic tips on increasing your online influence.

How To: Increase Your Online Influence – Infographic



Thanks for reading 🙂

Thumbnail Image Courtesy : RoomzWorld

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