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Google Instant Search Integrated in Chrome 7!

chrome 7 build 539

Google Chromium team is busy in updating many new features in upcoming Chrome version which may be named as Chrome 7. Every now and then some bugs are getting fixed and build versions are available.

As compared to the latest stable version Chrome 6, Chromium / Chrome 7 is going to be another biggest release packed with lot of features. The latest HTML5 test shows Chrome 7 will be the best browser to avail HTML5 features. Well Chrome 7 is mainly dedicated towards GPU Acceleration.

chrome 7 lab features window

The latest versions of the Chrome nightly builds include four new labs features. Check out these 4 features,

#1. Integrated Google Instant Search

google chrome instant search

We were expected Instant Search will be added in Chrome 8, as only switches were available for previous builds. But the latest build of Chromium 7 has took one more step ahead and placed Instant search as a lab feature in it.

Google Instant Search can be enabled with a simple mouse click and you do not need a manual switch anymore. It appears that Google has decided on an interface and will be going with the small pageturn logo to enable users to switch between their original content page or the Instant Search page that comes up when typing a search phrase into the URL bar.

#2. UI Tabs

chrome 7 UI tabs settings

UI Tabs are also making their debut in this version. Chrome settings are now displayed in a tab window, which creates a much more consistent appearance that what we have seen before. All browser preferences can now be made right in a tabbed window. Time to say bye-bye to pop-up window.

The only windows that are now opened as traditional pop-up windows are “Print” and “About”.

#3. Host Remoting

chrome 7 host remoting setup

One of the most interesting new feature is Host Remoting. When enabled, a new option will be added in tools – Set up Remoting. Clicking on it will pop-up a window, asking for login into Google Account. But the feature is still under development and not working.

#4. Page Info Bubble

chrome 7 page info bubble

As explained in Chrome 6 features, Google added a pop-up like feature for Page Info. The latest Chromium build has got a bubbled page info. Enabling this shows the Page Information as an info bubble instead of a dialog window.


So far these new features are simply labs features that may or may not be included in Chrome. However, they are some interesting ways to customize the browser and may be helpful if you keep in mind that they may not always work.

Recently we even saw a new tool from Google, Google Chrome Frame which acts a background process for older Internet Explorer versions to take advantage of modern web capabilities like HTML 5 features.

Will these features puts Chrome on top and help to win browser war? What do you think about these features? Raise your voice now!

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