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Tag Archives: Google

How To : Create A Short URL For Your Google+ Profile

As you all know, it’s pretty difficult to remember Google+ profile url unlike Facebook let’s it’s users to have username which is very much easy to remember like [Catch Me on Facebook], so today I came across a tool which let’s you create a short URL for your Google+ Profile like , isn’t that cool ?? 😀

How To : Add Google+ Profile Button To Your Blog

Google+, the only social networking site which has buzzed all around the Internet and still many of them are hungry for the invites ;). Although we tried giving Google+ invites and also helped many in joining the Google+ without invites, but Google seems to be blocking each and every method. Google is now giving us an option to add a Google+ Profile Button using it’s neat logo as similar to that of Google+1 Button.

How To : Join Google+ Using Chrome App [Official]

Google+ has become of one of most popular social networking site from past 3 days. As Google+ is still on beta and testing version, users cannot join it so easily. This restriction by Google disappointed many of the loyal Google Product users.