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How To : Get Noticed On Twitter


Everyone wants to do well on twitter. Twitter has come a long way from being just a social networking site to something really huge. Twitter recently had its 20 Billionth Tweet and this is no mean feat. It shows twitter’s sky rocketing popularity. Twitter Legend Blair “@Flipbooks” Semenoff said “There is a big difference with being on Twitter & being noticed on Twitter” .True. So here it is:   How To: Get Noticed on Twitter

1. Have an impressive profile

Impressive Twitter Profile@AskAaronLee

What makes a good twitter profile? As mentioned in my article Top Ten Traits Of Terrific Tweeters, it is important to have an eye catching twitter page. An interesting bio can be a great crowd puller on twitter. Something different and witty will always garner attention. The first thing anyone reads after visiting a particular profile is the bio. It is your first impression. Make sure what you write is true. You can beautify your twitter bio with crazy font by using funicode too.

Also, a handy tip: Use a different color for your tweets and links. And, avoid using colors like yellow, grey for your tweets which make it difficult to read.

An important aspect of an awesome twitter profile is the background. You can use TwitterBackgrounds for a cool colorful background, Twitbacks for a professional looking background or you can also make your very own background using Photoshop!

2.  Share useful information

Share Useful InformationShare Useful Information<credit>

It completely depends on your interest! You can decide your twitter niche. There are tweeters who have an amazing feed of photography, art related links. Whereas there are many tweeters who tweet about Social media, tech, blogging and more! Or you can have the best tweets from various tweeters all on your page! Tweeters like @2cre8 have a blazing hot feed of great links! As they say “Content Is King” and it is true for twitter too!

3. Join the conversation

Join the conversations<credit>

Make new friends, everyday! Twitter is where you build new relationships. Where else could you find a tweeter from Korea interacting with a tweeter from India? Or a blogger from Malaysia collaborating with a blogger from the U.S.?  Only on twitter 🙂 Think about it, why did you join twitter at the first place? To interact, inform or to inspire? Don’t hesitate to chat with new people, because you never know, you might find people with similar interests, you’ll be glad you met.

4.  Upload a cool avatar

During my early days on twitter, I made a blunder of adding a picture of a guitar as my avatar to go with my twitter handle (@rocksstar10). But ever since I changed to my own picture, there has been a significant spurt in follower numbers. A decent avatar with your own picture (preferably a close up shot) can help you get noticed. The reason behind this being, no one really likes to follow people which have either a twitter bird or a picture of a celebrity as an avatar. The aim of twitter is to interact with the real people behind those avatars and if you have a cool, zany or even a crazy picture of yourself, you definitely are a twitter rockstar!

These were 4 ways to enhance your twitter experience! Finally, on twitter, you have to make your presence felt and your absence noticed. If you would love to speak your mind, hit the comment section 😀 Happy Tweeting!

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