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9 Ways Men Can Use @Pinterest (Infographic)

Recently there was a traffic hike in our blog and after analyzing the stats, we found “Pinterest” popping up in the referrers. It is mainly driving traffic to those posts which contains high quality Images. Infographics posts are more often being shared in Pinterest and hence this has raised the traffic of our blog.

Pinterest is an emerging social network which allows it’s users to share and organize the photos in different boards or groups. It enables its users to connect to both their Facebook and Twitter friends.

When we ourselves first used Pinterest, we felt it was mainly meant for the women. But after we started using it, it gave us an clear idea of how beneficial it is to us and our blog.

So below is an Infographic by JMBlock, which describes few ways for Men using Pinterest and maintain their manly-men card:




So how do you use Pinterest and for what purpose?? Drop your answers in the comment section 🙂

Thanks for reading 😀

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