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Power of Twitter in Engaging with Brands [Infographic]

power of twitter infographic


Twitter, a social networking site where each and every user utilizes 140 characters to achieve their dreams and goals. All the active twitter users are social media experts in their own niche, either they have a product or company which needs branding successfully or they are in need of friends to make them feel positive by tweeting.

Most of the active users are engaging with brands by sharing their opinions about the products, making recommendations about the products. Some of the other active users are asking for recommendations for products and some of them are seeking for customer support from the companies via Twitter.

Twitter users are 3 times more likely to follow brands than Facebook users and hence any product or company would love to use Twitter for branding with mass influence.

Note : Twitters users to which I’m referring here, are the Active Twitter users 🙂

Branding is important for any product or company to survive  in the market and have an end user solutions for their customers. I myself observe among my twitter friends network how they promote their products or companies through twitter. Some of them hire an Social Media Expert and some do it by themselves.

Twitter has many types of active users who are categorized based on their actions and visions. They engage with brands and are categorized as follows :

  1. News Creators : They are the users who create content and provide latest news about the brand.
  2. Brand Users : They are the users who are actively using the brand.
  3. Opinionists : They are the users who gives valuable opinion about the brand.
  4. Others : They are the users who are directly conversing with the brand

When you engage with brands it is obvious that you like that brand also and this likelihood tends you to to either recommend or buy them.

Below is the infographic which gives a clear idea about How many Twitter users are engaging with Brands and why do users engage with brands. It also provides the likelihood of the Brand by Twitter users, Facebook likers and Email subscribers.

Infographic : Click on the image to Enlarge




Thanks for reading friends 🙂 Do you think you will rely on other social network other than Twitter, if yes then why?? 🙂


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