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Top Languages on the Internet (Infographic)


Internet, the only communication media using which each and every web user is surviving everyday. People of various countries and regions are connected to each other through Internet using social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and many more.

Internet users are growing in a large proportion as each and every user has to use Internet to fulfill their basic needs. If there was no Internet then:

  • We would have never thought of creating websites
  • We would have never upgraded our knowledge [Wikipedia :P]
  • We would have still used the post letter than Email
We cannot imagine a world without Internet likewise our langauge, which plays an important role in any communication mediums like Internet, Email, Telephone and etc. and below is the distribution of the Internet users all over the world collected by Internet World Stats.


The two most widely used language in the world wide web  are English and Chinese. There are 536 million people using English Language on the Internet and on the second position being the Chinese with a user base of 509 million.

English is being used as an official language in many countries, but still it’s usage is decreasing day by day, as Languages like Chinese, Russian and Arabic have grown by 1,500%, 1,800% and 2,500% online since 2000.

Below is an Infographic by Language Connect, which visualizes the most used languages on the Internet in the worldwide:

Infographic [Click to Enlarge]



Thanks for reading 😀 . Do you think English is going to survive as the top most used language in the Internet ? Hit the comment section 🙂

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