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How To Lock Your Folders Without Using any Software

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Yes!!!!! 😀 this wonderful windows hack can lock your personal files/folders without the use of any folder lock software. 🙂

All you need to have is a notepad and follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the location where the folder you want to lock is located.
  2. Right click and select New Text Document and type in the following code
    and save it as lock.bat (replace <YOURFOLDERNAME> with folder name your locking)



3. Open another new text document and type in the following code and
save it as key.bat (replace <YOURFOLDERNAME> with folder name ur locking)

ren YOURFOLDERNAME.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}


4.That’s it!! Now whenever you want to lock the folder double click loc.bat which converts your folder to control pannel and protects it from being accessed and when you want to unlock it then double click key.bat

Hope this Helps….

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