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Firefox 4 Beta 10 Planned For January 24 & Beta 11 By 31!

mozilla firefox 4.0 beta 8Mozilla is back again with some news and they are trying to make their promise strong this time. We all saw some great new features, clean and chromified Firefox browser.

Mozilla team is already very late and delayed more than 3months in releasing Firefox 4.0. But Mozilla team has planned to release Firefox 4.0 by February end. Hope we won’t see anymore delays!

Beta 9 and Updates

firefox 4 beta 9

Last week Mozilla released Beta 9 and we saw some more new features added to it. Faster bookmarking and Startup and Per-compartment garbage collection were some of the new features added in Beta 9.

And it also got new database called IndexedDB. IndexedDB is an API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data and for high performance searches on this data using indexes. It is based on a W3C Working Draft for Indexed Database API.

Beta 10 and Beta 11 – 2 more to go!

firefox 4 beta 10 pre

Well Mozilla has made a good move to release 2 more beta’s before RC. To control risk for the RC the plan is to do two betas (10 and 11) rather than hold beta 10 for all betaN hardblockers. This will give them a week of beta coverage for the 318 bug fixes while still allowing beta coverage for the remaining betaN hardblockers.

Mozilla team also said that,

Code freeze for beta 10 and 11 will also be a bit different. Previous betas closed the tree to stabilize and reduce beta risk. At this point in development, every day counts–we cannot shut down mozilla-central over the weekend as we have done before.

And about the bugs and hard-blockers count,

  1. More than 318 bugs have been marked fixed since beta 9.
  2. 57 hardblockers left for Beta 11.
  3. 39 final hardblockers left for RC.

Its more clear now that we may expect FF 4.0 RC by early February as planned by Mozilla development team. And final FF 4.0 by end of February.

Hope Mozilla won’t delay it anymore and we all get to have hands on most awaited Firefox 4.0 🙂 Watch out this space for more updates. Cheers 😉

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