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Change Facebook Login Background Using Chrome Extension!

Google Chrome Facebook Refresh Extension

Tired of boring and same old Facebook background image? Yes? Even we! At least they should change login page. But its been a long time that we have seen only features being added and there is no graphics update on Facebook.

Well here we found a good Google Chrome extension which gives all authority to user. It’s time to Refresh your Facebook with your own custom homepage design! Something like Twitter background image change.

Facebook Refresh!

Facebook Refresh is a Google Chrome extension which allows you to set a custom image URL as your Facebook homepage wallpaper. Well the great advantage is, you can customize your Facebook login page at anytime and endlessly! Yes, you can change the background how much ever time you like 🙂

Follow the steps given to enjoy Facebooking,

Step 1:

Download Facebook Refresh extension here.

Step 2:

Installed? Now type chrome://extensions/ on URL bar.

Step 3:

Click on the Options below to Facebook Refresh extension. It will open a new tab asking for Image URL.
Google Chrome Facebook Refresh Extension Options

Step 4:

Now goto any website and get the image URL like, and click on Save.
Google Chrome Facebook Refresh Extension URL

Tech Tip: Search for a image of your screen resolution for better usage 🙂

Step 5:

You are done! Now goto and see the change.

Google Chrome Facebook Refresh Extension Final

Liked it? Hope so.

This extension uses CSS with minimal JavaScript. This means that it is very fast loading. The current default background image is loaded externally from a domain. It may take longer for it to load the first few times.

But the only disadvantage is you can’t use images in your desktop 🙁 “file://” (image on your hard-drive) is not currently supported by Chrome. However, you can use some free image hosting sites. So as of now please make sure your URL begins with “http://”.

Hope you liked the extension. Please provide your feedback and share your experience with us 🙂

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