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How to use different Themes for WordPress posts or pages

How to use different Themes for WordPress posts or pages

You might think that why can’t my blog be a mixture of many themes wherein i can use different themes for different pages or posts of my blog?? .

Well , you are thinking wright πŸ™‚ :), because recently a plugin by name Themeperpost has been developed, whichΒ  gives you an option of using different themes in different posts or pages of your blog. It uses Custom Field option from which you can yourself assign a theme for different posts and pages.

Why this plugin :

A many of readers will ask (including you πŸ˜‰ ) will ask this question “Why this plugin “. This is my answer –

  • “If you want to be simple then be , but if you want to be creative then do some creative “, isn’t this a creative plugin wherein you can have your own customized theme for different pages or posts?? [Answer this by commenting :announce: ] .
  • If you have a multiauthor blog like ShoutMeLoud , then several authors would like to see their posts in their own customized colors , no problem you can do this using Themeperpost WordPress Plugin πŸ™‚ .
  • “Ten mugs of water is one bucket of water” , similarly ten colorful mugs of water is an attractive and wonderful bucket of water πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ [Think Positively :yes: ]

How to use it :

  1. Firstly upload the new wordpress theme which you want to use for posts or pages. If the theme is already uploaded then note down its name properly , as we will be using it later.
  2. Now go to the post or page in edit mode and add a custom new field by name “themeperpost” and in the place of value add the Theme name which you had uploaded newly or noted it πŸ˜‰ Custom Field Option
  3. Here you are , now you can see that particular post or page using the theme which you have entered in the custom field’s value section πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Demo & Download

Demo1->Demo2->Demo3 : These links are of the same blog but they are using different themes.

Download Themeperpost WordPress Plugin.

What do you think , what more can be included in this plugin??? . Be frank , as your comment will be taken into comsideration to update this plugin with some more customizations πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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