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How to effectively write a blog post

How to effectively write a blog post

Welcome back to,today let us know certain things to to write a blog post effectively. A well written blog post can boost your site traffic if done in wright way.

Blogs are becoming popular day by day just because of content. So its necessary for us to know how to write a blog post effectively which can attract more visitors and make a successful blog. Below are few points which are required to know before writing a blog post.

  • Post Title
    The title of the post must catch attention of the all users. This is the first reason why your post fails to get traffic. The title of the post must be unique ,creative and specific , So be careful and smart in choosing the title of your post.
  • Post Body
    Don’t just start off with your post,write some facts or sentences which makes the visitor to read it further more.This will make you article more interesting.
  • Short and Sweet
    The post must not be very much brief ,as the users don’t like lengthy post.But if you are very confident enough of your lengthy post then don’t try to make it short if not so try to explain whatever you want to in short paragraph.
  • Post Images
    As picture speaks a thousand of words , it would be nice if you add some pics in your posts or articles to make the readers understandable in a clarity.
  • Post links
    It’s a good habit of linking some niche keywords of your post to other posts of your blog by hyperlinks.This makes the user to also visit other section of your blog.
  • Post Tags
    These are keywords which you have to insert in your blog post tag options (WordPress ) or labels for blogspot. These can be generated manually by using words that a user would search in the search engines and these keywords must be used in your post to match the keywords.
  • Post Grammar
    A very major step in writing a blog post. Never commit any grammatical mistakes and misspelling of words  in your posts , else it gives a bad impact to the user who is reading it. So just after you finish writing the post use spell check function.[/stextbox]

Commensts are Welcome!!!!!!. If you fell any more points need to be needed then use the comment section .Thank  you 🙂

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